Book Swap

Book Swap 2022-06-14T08:28:17+00:00
Book Swap - WBD 2022 zoomed

Book Swap

Need new books? Trade in your old books for new ones!

Book Swap is an ongoing book exchange activity taking place in the Library during break and lunchtimes. Students are encouraged to bring their unwanted books where they are swapped for tokens/books. One book = One token.

Over the 2022 World Book Day celebrations, many students and staff participated in the Book Swap activity with great enthusiasm so we have decided to keep it permanently. It’s a great way to save money and paper as well as brings the excitement of browsing with friends.

Come on, take the step now to recycle your lovely books which you have enjoyed reading in exchange for other books loved by your peers.

So what are you waiting for? Drop in the library with the books you are happy to part with. Just make sure that all books you bring are of good quality, and in good condition.

Happy Book Swap!