Library FAQs
Here you can find the answers to the most popular questions regarding our school library resources & services.
What are the school library’s opening hours?
The library is open at break, lunchtime and after school. Each year group has the following allotted visiting days:
Year 7, 8 & 9: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Year 10 & 11: Wednesdays and Fridays
Year 12 & 13: Monday to Friday
Library Pass Entry: Monday*
*Any student who wishes to visit the library on a Monday must collect a library pass from Tuesday to Friday from the library reception desk.
Please note that every Monday lunchtime the library pass must be returned.
Can I search for books in the library online? Is there an online Library Catalogue?
Yes, the library catalogue we use is called Accessit. You can access the catalogue from your RM Unify launch pad and can use it remotely to check your library account details and reserve/renew books online.
How do I log into the Library Catalogue?
You can log into your library account by clicking on the arrow next to Guest in the top right corner and click on SSO – Single Sign On.
How many books can I borrow and for how long?
You can borrow up to 4 books at a time, for up to 3 weeks.
What should I do If I haven’t finished reading my book?
If you want to keep the book for more than 3 weeks you can renew your book online through the Library catalogue or visit the library to get your book renewed.
How many times can I renew my book?
You can renew your book twice.
How do I know when a book needs to be returned?
The date the book is due back will be stamped on the date label on the inside cover page of the book.
What happens if I lose a library book?
We will ask you to either pay the replacement cost of the book, or to replace the book with the same one in very good condition. This means that no one loses out on reading this book.
Do we get corrections for lost/damaged books?
Yes you do so please take care of the library books at all times.
I loved the book I just read! Can I leave a review for it in the Catalogue?
You can write reviews via your account in Accessit. To learn more about how to leave reviews watch the video.
Can I use computers in the library?
Computers may be used at lunchtime and afterschool, for homework purposes only. We do not allow library equipment to be used for gaming or watching non-class-related movies.