Student Planner
All students in years 7-11 are given a Student Planner at the beginning of each school year. The planner includes school term dates and parents’ evenings as well as the individual student’s timetable and teachers. The planner is a formal document and students are expected to look after their planners with the upmost care and respect. Should a planner be lost or damaged, students are expected to purchase a new one from Student Services. Should a child forget to bring their planner to school, a consequence is set and a temporary day planner issued by the tutor. (Please refer to the school’s behaviour policy for further details.)
Tutors will sign planners on a weekly basis and parents/carers should use the planner to write messages to school. Parents/carers are also expected to check and sign the planner every week.
The planner is a record of homework being set and this should be written in neatly by your child. There is also a section for your child to record their academic levels and targets and this will be completed with your child’s tutor during the course of the school year.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s planner, please contact your child’s form tutor.
Parents’ Evenings
Parents are invited to an annual parents’ evening for their son/daughter’s school year to discuss their child’s academic progress.
Parent Information Evenings
One parent information evening is held for each year group at the start of the academic year. Important information such as school policies and key events over the academic year is relayed; this enables parents to be more informed about the coming year in order to best support their child’s academic progress.
Information Drop-Ins For Parents And Carers
These take place every Monday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.30 in the Community Training Room. The drop-ins are staffed by the Senior Leadership Team and are intended to provide an opportunity for parents and carers to have answered those questions about the school and secondary education that your children and young people cannot answer. These might be about qualifications needed for particular career pathways or how to understand student reports, for example.
Any parent/carer wishing to speak to a member of staff outside these times may ring the school and make an appointment.
Text Messages
Parents are asked to provide current contact details, including a mobile number. As well as keeping these on file, in case we need to contact you urgently, we also send reminders for events such as parents’ evenings via text.