Our Careers Programme

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Our Careers Programme 2024-07-17T10:14:39+00:00

Our Careers Programme

Careers Education at Haggerston School is based upon providing aspirational advice to young people on all progression routes and the impact of our programme is evident in the outstanding destinations to which our students go on.

Good careers education is one of the driving forces behind social mobility and our aspiring careers programme is an integral part of our school improvement. The programme is assessed against The Gatsby Benchmarks and measured by tracking the longer term destinations of our students.

Our Careers Programme offers:

  • One-to-One Careers Appointments for every student

Discuss your career aspirations (or explore possibilities if you are unsure of a specific career) and create an action plan to help you progress towards your chosen career.

  • Experience of the workplace

The opportunity to visit places of work, shadow employees, expand networks and explore careers opportunities.

  • Encounters with employers and Employees

At the Annual Careers Fair for all key stages and at various enrichment opportunities, including guest speakers, workplace mentoring and enterprise schemes, students have the opportunity to learn from employers and education providers about employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.

  • Careers education in the curriculum

All subject areas will highlight the relevance of their subject to a wide range range of career pathways. This includes our outstanding STEM pathway and enrichment opportunities.

  • Careers Talks after school throughout the year

Last year professionals came in to talk about a wide variety of careers including journalism, politics, media, finance, medicine and law.

For all information regarding student Careers Education and the school Careers Programme for students, please contact :

Ms Green
Email: leonora.green@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Phone: 0207 739 7324