Computing KS3

Computing KS3 2021-10-20T15:09:16+00:00

Computing (Key Stage 3)

Our Computing curriculum develops all students’ ability to: Master and understand the key principles of computer science including computer hardware, software and legislation; be confident practitioners of digital services; think creatively and logically to solve problems; be confident and competent programmers who are able to plan, write, test and debug their own programming projects.

Year GroupDPR1DPR2DPR3
7E-Safety & Flowcharts - online threats, social media and algorithmsBasic Computer Hardware & HTML - inputs / outputs, CPU & creating webpagesProgramming & Computational thinking
8Data Representation & programming - python programming & how binary is used to represent numbers / lettersNetworking & systems architecture - CPU, RAM & FDE - how networks workMemory / storage & Computational thinking - RAM / ROM & algorithms
9Systems Architecture & programming - the hardware that makes a computer workStorage / memory, networking & programming - hardware, software and safetyData representation, Algorithms & programming