Drama KS3

Drama KS3 2021-10-21T11:05:19+00:00

Drama (Key Stage 3)

Through the Creative Arts curriculum, students acquire knowledge and master skills needed to make progress in the programmes of study set out in the National Curriculum (where applicable) and exam specifications. Students develop their cultural capital by experiencing, and learning to appreciate, different forms of art and design in and out of school to understand their relevance in the wider world.

Year GroupDPR1DPR2DPR3
7Introduction to Drama and Darkwood Manor (horror)’Antigone’ by Sophocles’The Tempest’ by Shakespeare
8The Party - Practical exploration of a short story’Metamorphosis’ by BerkoffPractical exploration of ’Lord of the Flies’ by Golding
9Genre (horror) and practical exploration of ’Strange Case of Dr Jekkyl and Mr Hyde’ by Stevenson’Chalk Farm’ by Hurley and Taudevin’Macbeth’ by Shakespeare