Feeling worried?

Feeling worried? 2024-06-25T07:22:29+00:00

Why do we sometimes feel worried?

If you are worried you can start to feel tired, upset or like you might ‘go crazy’. Lots of things can make someone worry. Sometimes your worries can become worse than usual and you start feeling scared all the time or maybe start having difficulty sleeping or focusing on your work. It can be hard feeling anxious all the time but there are lots of things you can do to help and there are also lots of people around you who want you to feel happier and comfortable and will help you if you ask.

Top Tips

  • Try talking with a friend, family member or someone you trust
  • You could try writing down your feelings
  • Meditation is another helpful way to relax your mind

Meet Taz

Talk to us

If you would like to talk to someone at school, please come and talk to Ms Ray-Choudhuri, Ms Ramsey, Ms Codling, your Head of Year or your Assistant Head of Year.

More Information

For more information on this subject, please see the resources below or follow the links to some useful websites: