LGBT+ 2024-06-25T07:26:16+00:00


Sexuality and sexual orientation is about who you are physically and emotionally attracted to. Everyone is different, and sometimes understanding your sexuality can be confusing. Some people know who they’re attracted to from a really young age but for others, it’s not so simple. Even though people refer to them together, gender identity isn’t the same as sexuality. Transgender describes people who feel that the sex they were assigned at birth doesn’t match how they feel inside.  ‘Coming out’ means telling someone about your sexuality or gender identity. It can take time to feel ready to tell people about this part of yourself. Coming out can help you to feel less isolated and more accepted, but it’s important to be ready. There’s no right or wrong time to come out to someone about your sexuality or gender identity. Only you can say when the right time to come out is.

Top Tips

  • Everyone is different, and sometimes understanding your sexuality can be confusing so take your time working it out
  •  Remember there’s no such thing as normal and you don’t have to feel pressured or rushed to give yourself a label
  • It’s important to do what feels right for you
  • If you think you are ready to come out, you may find some useful suggestions here

Meet Maja, Amelia, Calum and Jenny

Talk to us

If you would like to talk to someone at school, please come and talk to Ms Ray-Choudhuri, Ms Ramsey, Ms Codling, your Head of Year or your Assistant Head of Year.

More Information

For more information on this subject, please see the resources below or follow the links to some useful websites:

There is an excellent range of LGBTQ+ books available in the library. Check the library catalogue here. Or simply go and visit the library to check out the LGBTQ+ collection.

Read With Pride!